Monday, July 23, 2012

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-Present) Review

  The Star Wars universe is constantly expanding, people just keep adding, and adding, and adding, but now they have gone TOO FAR. I'm talking about Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
  It started out as a movie and then became a TV show, set in between episodes II and III, when the Clone Wars are being fought.
  The thing I hate most about this show the most is the characters. There are so many to talk about. First of all there's Anakin and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is alright I guess, but Anakin is always acting really stupid and the voice acting is terrible, I just hate him.
  Then there's Ahsoka, who might be the dumbest fictional character ever created. She's whiny and it's just annoying to listen to her voice. She was created for this show just because the writers needed a female jedi, and didn't have the time to come up with a good one I guess. She's a pointless turd.
  And then there's Jar Jar Binks. I actually liked Jar Jar in Episode I, believe it or not, he was a really fun character. Sure, he was really stupid, but that was why I liked this guy, but in this poor excuse for a TV show they bring his stupidity to levels that aren't even close to funny anymore, just annoying.
  There's also Ziro the hutt. I seriously thought this guy was a girl. He sounds like a girl and he's even colored purple. Before I figured out he was a guy I saw him kissing a girl in an episode and I was like, "is she homosexual or something?" He just really seems like a girl.
  Ziro's mother on the other hand seems totally like a guy. She's HUGE, with green skin and has a really deep voice. Please people, get the sexual characteristics right for your characters. It's not that hard.
  And then there is Darth Maul. They brought him back from the grave just so they can rape him like they raped all the other characters of theirs. His brother finds him in a cave with mechanical spider legs, (no, not making this up) and he is totally insane so his brother brings him back to a witch who does some exorcism type thing on him and then he's back to normal more or less. He loses the spider legs and gets more General Grievous style legs, and then vows revenge on Obi-Wan for cutting him in half. Even when he's back to normal he's still stupid cause he talks too much. In Episode I he was like a ninja, very quiet, only talking when it was really necessary. It made him badass, but in this it's just "blah blah blah you cut off my legs blah blah blah I must get revenge". And if I remember correctly he's not even using that cool double lightsaber anymore. Yet another good character ruined by this horrible show.
  Now what about the animation? Well, it stinks. It's computer generated and I'm not a huge fan of that way of animating things. Everyone looks so weird, and their hair is strange too. It's doesn't look like it's several strands of hair, it's like it's just one big mass.
  The show is also kind of violent for a children's cartoon. It's got strippers and swearing, that stuff doesn't usually bother me but jeez this is cartoon network man.
  Oh, and there was one episode where there was barely any action at all just a bunch of political babble. Is that really what children want to watch? Stupid, stupid show. What a piece of crap.
  Alright, that's the end of my little rant. It's a horrible show and if you are a big Star Wars fan I guess you could give the movie a try, but ONLY DIE HARD FANS. And if you don't like it then just stay away from the rest of the series, it will only piss you off.

My rating: 1/10


  1. How many episodes of the show have you watched?

  2. So let me get this straight, you wrote a review about a series, and you haven't even seen HALF of it? That's like reviewing a movie after you've only watched the first 10 minutes of it. Not cool man.

    If you're going to try and sell yourself as a legitimate "Reviewer", try actually WATCHING it before you review it. Otherwise you're just another internet troll with a baseless, ill informed opinion.

    If you want to mindlessly rant and rave about something you hate, then be my guest! Or just take a season, a few episodes, or just one episode and talk about it. Just don't try and package it as a "Review". You're just lying to yourself and your readers.

    1. Well what I saw of the series was so bad to me I didn't want to watch anymore. Sorry.

  3. Haha you have no idea what you are talking about man!

    The voice acting: it's won Annie Awards and IMO is better than some of the acting in the prequels

    The animation: it started off wooden because A. that was the style and B. they made their own software and built an entire studio from scratch to revolutionize the TV animation industry. It's now on par with Michael Bay films. Have you even scene the Umbara episodes?

    Ahsoka: guess who else was whiny in the beginning... LUKE SKYWALKER. They started her character that way to give her space to grow and now she is kick-@$$.

    Haha if you are going to critique something, at least KNOW the material first.

  4. 1/10? Is that even a legitimate score rating?

    Any show that scores that low couldn't possibly be worth broadcasting, let alone sell merchandise. And yet it's hit record breaking viewership, been selling merchandise like hot cakes and Cartoon Network is still on board for season five. If it was really that bad even you wouldn't have sat through 30 or so episodes and bothered to review.

    The numbers speak for themselves. Personally, I can't miss an episode. I look forward to every season. I love the characters, I love the expanded universe, and I love Star Wars whether it's on my television, on my computer games, novels, board games or comics.

    This wave of anger-fueled rants that everyone is raging on the web is not going anywhere for Star Wars and it got old a long time ago. It's clear, if you're not riding that wave then you can't hope to sound like "mainstream" critics, because to be mainstream you have to weep over your lost childhood. Everybody knows that.

    Back when Shadows of The Empire was rolled out as a project for comics, games, and novels as I remember the reactions were as well negative. Xizor was an abomination, an imitation of Vader, a wannabe emperor. Today he's a classic, canon, and no body not even George himself is allowed to come near SOtE or Xizor. God forbid that he should claim rights over it!!

    The Clone Wars is not going away. It's here to stay, for years to come. This is the story George wanted to tell ever since he wrote A New Hope. And it didn't end yet. They managed to do something that people thought could never be done. They brought Star Wars to television, introduced it to a new generation and did it in a way that the general audience actually accepted it.

    You don't like one character, or prefer one over the other, or your favorite starship didn't show up in one episode, or maybe my favorite lightsaber color didn't glow the right shade of green. All that can be left to discussion, but what does it matter to the rest of the fans in the end? How is any of it significant to the overall story?

    Until now critics have failed to find legitimate reasons to shoot down the show. And I've only found more reasons to keep watching instead.

    1. I found so many legitimate reasons man, and actually since I wrote this I've found more. You don't have to agree with me but this show really pissed me off and I wanted to write a review about it.

  5. George Lucas stated that the character of Ahsoka was developed for the series as a means of illustrating how Anakin Skywalker develops from the brash, undisciplined Padawan in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones to the more reserved Jedi Knight in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. However, Master Yoda worries about Skywalker's relationships with everyone from Padmé Amidala to Master Obi-Wan by giving Skywalker his own Padawan would place the character into a paternal role where he would be forced to become more cautious and responsible. It would also give Skywalker new insight into his relationship with his own mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and explain how their relationship matured. Lucas stated that, having raised two daughters, he "knew something about the subject," and decided to make Skywalker's apprentice a young female. There is no swearing in the series or film, the animation has come a long way since the clone wars movie. This has to be one of the worst reviews of a film and series I have ever seen, a bit of advice you need to watch the full series and film before reviewing it. your trolling, the voice acting through out the film and series has been fantastic this review is just dumb.

    1. um okay whatever still hate the show and movie.

    2. I'm not trolling this is my honest thoughts on it. Jar Jar, Ahsoka, Darth Maul, Anakin, and those dumb Huts are awful characters I think.

      BTW I have seen the feature film, the first few episodes, I think that "rookies" episode or whatever, the darth maul episodes, those cad bane holocron stuff, some more episodes with Ziro, and little bits of other episodes. I think I've seen enough to review it.

  6. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is amazing and I love it! Sure he has some valid points. But for every wrong thing in the Clone Wars I believe there is 20 AMAZING things! Darth Maul's return was awesome! And he left out some facts to make it sound less epic. His brother, Savage Opress a Zabrak Nightbrother and Dark Acolyte searched for him while fighting off junkers and other things to find his brother. Then they take him to Mother Talzin who has her own motivations. And then of course Maul's lightsaber is not double, Obi-Wan cut it in half! Now there are TWO sith brothers LOOSE!

    Also, I have seen EVERY episode multiple times! I have even seen some episodes in a giant theatre! Sure the animation didn't start well but now it is AMAZING!

    Some of your points are invalid! I suggest you watch some of the following episodes then reconsider:

    "Heroes on Both Sides" "A Friend in Need" "Darkness on Umbara" "The General" "Plan of Descent" "Carnage of Krell" "The Citadel" "Counter Attack" "Citadel Rescue" "Padawan Lost" "Wookie Hunt" "Holocron Heist" "Cargo of Doom" "Children of the Force" "Death Trap" "R2 Come home" "Lethal Trackdown" "Kidnapped" "Slaves of the Republic" "Escape Kadavo"

    I can give you more episodes that disprove some of your points if you would like?

    1. If it will make you guys happy . . . I will watch one of those episodes sometime, and try to have an open mind. But if I don't like it I will never watch this show again.

  7. Oh and BTW, the political side of the series plays a huge part in the star wars saga. It also plays a huge part in the clone war, you only have to watch the prequels to understand that they play a major factor in the saga, and the down fall of the republic and the Jedi.
